PrerequisiteLast updated: 2020-08-03

  • Docker
  • Domain Name
  • DNS Provider Credentials


MaxD=N(N − 1)/2

docker pull certbot/certbot

Run Certbot image

Run the Certbot image with the following command

docker run -it -v /Users/thirumal/certificate:/etc/letsencrypt certbot/certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns --email --server --agree-tos -d '*'

Verify DNS

After running the above command it will ask you to add `TXT record` to your DNS before pressing enter.

Login to your Domain provider (Godaddy/AWS Route 53) to add DNS TXT records.
  1. Record name :
  2. Recort type : txt
  3. Value/Route Traffic ===> IP address or another ... : {displayed in the terminal}

Check PEM files

Return to your Terminal and press enter to validate and to generate the TLS

It will generate few folders which similar to the image

PEM files can be found in ....\archive\website domain name\